Launched on May 27, the nineth video of the series explains why people with heart disease may have complications when infected with Sars-CoV-2.


Video Script:
Emiliano Medei (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ)

Project Coordination:
Débora Foguel (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ)

Video Production Team:
Lucia Bianconi (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ) – team leader
Mateus Malta Fleury (Mathematics student, University of Brasília, UnB)

Evaluation Committee:
Helena B. Nader (Vice-President, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, ABC)
João Batista Calixto (Vice-President for the South Region, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, ABC)
Mauro Teixeira (Vice-President for the Minas Gerais and Midwest Region, Brazilian Academy of Sciences, ABC)
Lucile Winter (Board of Directors, Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science, SBPC)


Watch the Video (in Portuguese):


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