
Globo de Ouro

Leia coluna do Acadêmico Isaac Roitman* no Monitor Mercantil, publicada em 8 de janeiro:

A premiação de Fernanda Torres no Globo de Ouro foi importante para a recuperação da autoestima do povo brasileiro, que percebe que ainda está muito longe de extinguir a pobreza e a desigualdade social. Convivemos com um elevado contingente de analfabetos, com um ambiente de extrema violência, falsos discursos, um egocentrismo agudo e uma corrupção permanente. Nossos jovens, em sua maioria, têm uma educação precária. Os serviços de saúde são deficientes, e as oportunidades são para poucos. Nesse quadro, a saúde física e mental da sociedade brasileira é abalada por um sentimento de inferioridade.

Em 1950, quando a seleção brasileira foi derrotada pela seleção uruguaia de futebol na final da Copa do Mundo, em pleno Maracanã, o escritor e dramaturgo Nelson Rodrigues criou a expressão “complexo de vira-lata”, que se refere a um sentimento de inferioridade por parte dos brasileiros em relação a outros países, especialmente os desenvolvidos. Isso é percebido na crença de que o Brasil, sua cultura e suas realizações são inferiores às de outras nações. Após 74 anos, já é hora de enterrar esse sentimento negativo.

A premiação coloca na pauta uma importante reflexão: apesar de ser desprezada pela maioria dos governantes, a arte brasileira ainda sobrevive e brilha. Vamos tentar fazer um pequeno recorte em três dimensões das artes em nosso país: literatura, artes plásticas e música.

Na literatura brasileira, temos escritores e escritoras excepcionais que deixaram um legado extraordinário. Entre eles: Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Cecília Meireles, Clarice Lispector, Graciliano Ramos, Guimarães Rosa, Jorge Amado, Manuel Bandeira e Machado de Assis.

Nas artes plásticas, destacam-se artistas como Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Djanira da Motta e Silva, Hélio Oiticica, Cândido Portinari, Di Cavalcanti e Tarsila do Amaral.

Na música, tanto clássica como popular, podemos citar gênios que encantaram várias gerações, como Ary Barroso, Noel Rosa, Adoniran Barbosa, Lupicínio Rodrigues, Luiz Gonzaga, Claudio Santoro, Vinicius de Moraes, Pixinguinha, Chiquinha Gonzaga, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Carlos Gomes, Renato Russo, Tom Jobim, Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Paulinho da Viola, Alceu Valença, Milton Nascimento, Gilberto Gil, entre outros.

Todos os artistas citados merecem as nossas homenagens e representam matéria-prima para a construção da autoestima da sociedade brasileira. Todos e todas merecem ganhar um Globo de Ouro ou uma homenagem semelhante.

A cultura do Brasil é uma síntese da influência dos vários povos e etnias que formam a nossa sociedade. Ela não é perfeitamente homogênea, mas um mosaico de diferentes vertentes culturais. A diversidade cultural do Brasil pode ser uma fonte de riqueza e criatividade. Além de proporcionar saúde mental à sociedade brasileira, pode promover o turismo e a exportação cultural.

Além disso, a arte é um importante veículo de comunicação que detém um papel terapêutico significativo, constituindo-se como uma ferramenta da arteterapia. As artes são adequadas para ajudar a compreender e comunicar conceitos e emoções, estimulando todos os sentidos e até mesmo a capacidade de empatia. Assim, permitem que as pessoas se conectem emocional e intelectualmente com o mundo ao seu redor.

A premiação no Globo de Ouro, além de alimentar o orgulho de ser brasileiro ou brasileira, pode ser um estopim para um salto no financiamento para os artistas e suas atividades. Um povo que se alimenta da arte é um povo solidário e amoroso. Obrigado à dupla – Fernanda, mãe e filha – por deixar nossos corações cheios de alegria e iluminar caminhos para que, no futuro, tenhamos um país justo e feliz. Esse é o nosso sonho. Vamos todos, como um coral, cantar bem alto e com alegria: “Ainda estamos aqui”. Esse será o nosso mantra.

* Isaac Roitman é professor emérito da Universidade de Brasília e da Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, pesquisador emérito do CNPq, membro da Academia Brasileira de Ciências e membro do Movimento 2022 – 2030 o Brasil e o Mundo que queremos.

In memoriam Jean Robert David

The corresponding member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences Jean Robert David passed away on June 19, aged 90, in France.

Jean was one of the last active members of the generation of French researchers who made Drosophila melanogaster a model of evolutionary genetics in the 1970s/1980s. Thus, providing a unique opportunity to expand knowledge regarding the genetics and development of this species in the study of adaptation and speciation mechanisms.

Over the course of his nearly 70-year scientific career, Jean has published over 400 articles primarily on Drosophila, dealing with subjects as diverse as systematics, biogeography, ecophysiology, morphometry, phenotypic plasticity, genetics, behaviour, reproductive isolation, and more recently, evo-devo and genomics. Jean travelled the world to study Drosophila. He completed his last field mission at age 87 on the island of Grande Comore.

Among the various titles and honors he received, David was an Honoris Causa Doctor of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), member of the Lyon Academy of Sciences and Fine Letters and Emeritus Director of Research at the Center’s Population, Genetics and Evolution Laboratory National Scientific Research (CNRS, its acronym in French), in France.

Jean discovered Brazil through the Brazil-France cooperation in the scope of the UNESCO Chair in Developmental Biology. For 18 years he traveled across the country, from north to south, giving lectures to scientists and students, many of them with the support of the UNESCO Chair.  On his first visit to UFRJ, he met drosophilists interested in evolutionary problems and proposed a Brazilian Symposium on this theme. The first edition was in the UFRJ in November 1999.  Since then, the major Brazilian research groups specialized in Drosophila have been engaged in the organization of these events. The Symposium on Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution of Drosophila occurs every two years and has already established itself as the most important event for meeting and debating for the Brazilian drosophilists community, always with guests and collaborators from other countries in South America, North America and Europe. Jean David attended all symposia held until 2019.  

For two decades, he has been involved in a diversity of collaborations with Brazilian Scientists, boosting the French-Brazilian cooperation. In his speech upon receiving the title of Doutor Honoris Causa by UFRJ, Jean said: “I can tell here my great satisfaction for these collaborations and how much I appreciate both the high scientific quality of my colleagues and also their extreme kindness. Brazil is a country where I feel at home and where I have always a great pleasure to come back.”

An incomparable naturalist and entomologist, an exceptional experimenter, a rigorous and uncompromising scientist, Jean could convey his enthusiasm to students and colleagues. He was an outstanding leader and consolidated the collaboration between Brazilian and foreign groups of geneticists and zoologists.  There is a gap in science, but beyond that there is an immense longing for a dear friend. The best tribute we can pay to his memory is to continue this work. Jean leaves an expressive personal and professional legacy, which will continue to live among us.  


Blanche Christine Bitner-Mathé,

Associate Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro  (UFRJ)


Lilian Madi-Ravazzi

Associate Professor, São Paulo State University (Unesp)


Vivaldo Moura Neto

Titular Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro  (UFRJ)

Titular Member of the Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Affiliate Members will now sit at the ABC Advisory Board

Ana Leonor Chies Santiago Santos and Raquel Cardoso de Melo Minardi were elected by their peers as full representatives. Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita will be the first surrogate and Rodrigo Nunes da Fonseca will be the second. The first meeting that will count with the presence of the Affiliate Members representatives will be held on May 2020.

Due to the interest of Affiliate Members to participate in ABC’s actions more closely and effectively, ABC’s Board has decided to create two seats on the Advisory Board for representatives elected by the category.

The news had great receptivity from the Affiliates. Ten nominations and 80 votes were received.

In the opinion of the president of ABC, Luiz Davidovich, the participation of representatives of the Affiliated Members in the Advisory Council will contribute to increase the integration of young researchers in the activities of ABC. “This initiative also has the potential to bring renewing ideas to the functioning of the Academy,” he added.


About Affiliate Member Category

The category was created in 2007. In the ABC Statute, Article 8 defines Affiliate Members as promising young researchers based in the regions listed in art. 3º (South, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais & Midwest, Northeast and Espírito Santo, North) nominated and chosen by Full Members acting in the same regions. The Board shall appoint and swear in Affiliate Members, up to 5 (five) per region and per year. Affiliate Members shall be entitled to participate in the activities of the Academy for a period of five (5) years, non-renewable.

Since 2007, 339 Affiliate Members have been sworn in, and of these, seven have been elected Full Members until 2019. They are Ado Jório de Vasconcelos (Affiliate 2008-2012, sworn in 2014); Alicia Kowaltowski (Affiliate 2008-2012, sworn in 2018); Antonio Gomes de Souza Filho (Affiliate 2011-2015, sworn in 2018); Eduardo Teixeira (Affiliate 2008-2012, sworn in 2015); Fernando Codá Marques (Affiliate 2009-2013, sworn in 2014); Henrique Bursztyn (Affiliate 2008-2012, sworn in 2017) and Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da Trindade (Affiliate 2008-2012, sworn in 2019).


About the Advisory Board

Although not provided for in the Bylaws, the Advisory Board was created in 2010 to assess past actions of ABC and to suggest further actions to be taken in the future.

It is presently constituted by one representative per science area, one per region of the six determined by ABC. From 21/12/2019 on, it will also have two more representatives of Affiliate Members.

Presential or electronic meetings are always held together with the meeting of the ABC Board.


About the electoral process

For the 2019 election, a regulation has been defined by ABC, which may be changed for the coming years, as a result of the organization of the Affiliate Members themselves, at a meeting of the Advisory Council, through the elected representations, or in Assembly, always with the final approval of the ABC Board of Directors.

Paragraph 1 – The two representatives of the Affiliate Members who will be part of the ABC Advisory Council shall be elected at the end of each year by all Affiliate Members who wish to vote.

Paragraph 2 – There will be voluntary self-application at the end of the year, for a term of one year, beginning on January 1 of the following year. By applying, the Affiliate Member is automatically committed to interacting with the Affiliate Member collective to ensure the highest possible representation in his acting, if elected.

Paragraph 3 – Affiliate Members who are in the first, second or third year of office may apply, so that, if elected, they begin the term of representative on the Council in the second, third or fourth year of Affiliation. Qualified for this election are those who took office on January 1, 2017, 2018 or 2019.

Paragraph 4 – The representatives may be reelected, if they apply more than once, provided that they fit the parameters established in the previous paragraph.

Paragraph 5 – Upon receipt of the candidatures and provided the conditions set forth in Paragraph 3, an electoral ballot shall be prepared with the names of all candidates in alphabetical order. The ballot must be returned with votes on up to 4 (four) candidates. Ballot returned with more votes will be considered void.

6º – There will be no electoral campaign, neither for or against, made by the candidate nor by other. The important thing is that the vote is expressive, meaning it involves most of the total Affiliate members each year. In 2019, the total was 141 Affiliates with current mandate.

7th – The two most voted candidates will be Full representatives. Those ranked third and fourth will be first and second surrogate respectively.

8th – In case of a tie in the number of votes, the following criteria will be used, in this order: regional diversity, diversity of area of ​​specialization, gender and year of affiliation.

Applications have been submitted by 15/12. The ballot was assembled and sent to the Affiliates on December 16, with a return deadline until December 22, when the valid votes were accounted for and the result disclosed.

The first Advisory Council meeting with the participation of the elected representatives of the Affiliate Members is scheduled for May.
