The Brazilian Academy of Sciences (BAS) publishes its journal, Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (AABC, in its Brazilian-portuguese acronym ), every 3 months, being the oldest journal in Brazil with continuous distribution, dating back to 1929.
This scientific journal aims to publish the advances in scientific research from both Brazilian and foreigner scientists, who work in the main research centers in the whole world, always looking for excellence.
Essentially a multidisciplinary journal, the AABC cover, with both reviews and original researches, the diverse areas represented in the Academy, such as Biology, Physics, Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry, Agrarian Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Social, Health and Earth Sciences.
Alexander Kellner , full member of the BAS, is the Editor-in-Chief of this journal, which is published with the support of CNPq/CAPES and Conrado Wessel Foundation (FCW).