L’Oréal-ABC-Unesco Prize 2010
The fifth edition of the L’Oréal-ABC-Unesco Program for Women in Science, launched in 2006, contemplated an additional seven young researchers from diverse areas and from different states in Brazil, who’s works stood out among the more than 400 signed up. The journalist Renata Capucci conducted yet again the ceremony, which occurred in the Golden Room of the Copacabana Palace on the 23rd of September.
The event honored a new generation of scientists who are transforming the role of woman in society and increasing the contributions towards the progress of Brazilian Science. In common, the awarded all have curriculums which show a great investment in studies and in the search for knowledge, posing as role models for future generations. Each honored researcher received a scholarship of US$20 thousand to invest in projects and in professional development.
Bruna de Souza, Patrícia Schuck, Cristiane Matté, Audrey Cisneyros, Kathia Honório, Simone Appenzeller e Lucimara Martins
Meet the winners of 2010.
Statistic and maternity
Mother of two children of very different ages, the mathematician Audrey Cisneyros, from UFPE, conciliated graduate degree, masters, doctorate, teaching and research in statistics of tests, with her family commitments.
Depression x healing
The biologist Bruna Romana de Souza studies the utilization of sexual hormones to overcome chronic stress, improving the organism’s capacity of healing skin lesions.
Benefits of exercise
The biomedic Cristiane Matté studies the relation between maternal physical exercise and the development of the central nervous system of the ret pups, seeking in these, positive brain alterations.
Proteins and enzymes: to inhibit or enhance
The chemist Kathia Honório applies computational methods in the study of possible interactions between bioactive compounds and biological targets, seeking future medications for fibrosis, atherosclerosis and cancer.
Extragalactic research
The biggest and most complete high resolution stellar library for stellar population synthesis was the awarded project of the astronomer Lucimara Martins, professor at the Cruzeiro do Sul University in São Paulo.
Phenylalanine and the brain damage
The objective of the biochemist Patrícia Schuck’s research is to discover what happens to the brain of people with phenylalanine, viewing to create new therapeutic strategies for these patients.
Lupus and interpersonal relationships
The doctor Simone Appenzeller, from Unicamp, seeks alternative treatments so that women with chronic rheumatic diseases can have a better quality of life of sexuality.