Amazonia is a global, regional and above all a national issue. As such, the challenge of promoting its development is a State issue, to be discussed by the government and by the entire Brazilian society. From this point of view, and understanding Amazonia as being a strategic region for Brazil and for the planet, in the year of 2007, ABC instituted the Study Group on the Amazonia. Constituted by some of the main Brazilian scientists who develop research in and about the region, this group aims to collaborate towards the construction of a new horizon for the Amazonia, via the contributions which can be obtained through science, technology and innovation. The landmark of ABC’s actions in this area has been the document Amazonia: Brazilian Challenge of the XXI Century - The Need for a Scientific and Technological Revolution , produced by the group and presented to the Brazilian society by ABC in the year of 2008.History and Results
In the end of 2004, resulting from a partnership with the National Bank of Economical and Social Development (BNDES), ABC promoted the seminar Amazonia: A Scientific and Technological Challenge. The main unifying axis of the reflection performed at this event was on how to deepen the knowledge about the local rich biodiversity and about the social-political-economical -cultural interactions, with the objective of building alternatives for the process of the construction of an economical and social development model, inserted in the lines of sustainability. Following this action, the Academy promoted in the years of 2005 and 2006, a series of meetings, in Manaus and Belem, with the participation of researchers from the northern region and from other parts of the country. These meetings stimulated a mobilization, which had as their objective, both the strengthening of S, T & I in the Amazonia, as well as collaborating for the elaboration of proposals of public policies which contribute towards the sustainable development of the region. From this effort, the proposal for the creation of a Millennium Institute for the Amazonia was created. In the year of 2007, ABC instituted the Study Group about the Amazonia. Initially composed by the following Academics Bertha Becker, Adalberto Val , Roberto Dall’Agnol , Carlos Nobre, Jacob Palis and Hernan Chaimovich, the group held several meetings, and in June 2008, presented to the Brazilian society the publication of Amazonia: Brazilian Challenge of the XXI Century - The Need for a Scientific and Technological Revolution. This publication was received with a positive repercussion by the media and by the government, and has been since then, the basis of reference for ABC’s actions in this area. Several meetings were organized by ABC to advertize the document and to discuss the recommendations therein. In November of 2009, with the objective of evaluating the changes which had occurred in the regional scenery since the publication of the document, ABC promoted in Sao Paulo, in the Latin American Memorial, the symposium Amazonia: Challenges and Perspectives of the Regional Integration. This symposium initiated a reflection process, which will eventually generate, in the near future, an up to date version of the document on Amazonia. One of the main challenges currently presented to the Study Group on Amazonia, is to transform the outlined proposals into concrete public policies. With this objective, in June 2010, the group organized in Belem, the symposium Training, Attraction and Placing of Human Resources in the Amazonia. In July of the same year, ABC promoted in Porto Velho, a Day of Conferences focused on Science and Technology for Rondonia and the Amazonia.
" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Roberto Dall’Agnol" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Roberto Dall’Agnol
Formação, Atração e Fixação de Recursos Humanos na Amazônia
Belém - Junho, 2010. O Simpósio Formação, Atração e Fixação de Recursos Humanos na Amazônia aconteceu no dia 17 de junho de 2010, na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), na cidade de Belém - PA.Amazônia: Desafios e Perspectivas da Integração Regional
São Paulo - Novembro, 2009. O Seminário Internacional Amazônia: Desafios e Perspectivas da Integração Regional foi realizado nos dias 16 e 17 de novembro de 2009, no Memorial da América Latina, na cidade de São Paulo - SP.
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Amazônia: Desafio Brasileiro do Século XXI - A Necessidade de uma Revolução Científica e Tecnológica
Documento produzido pelo Grupo de Trabalho e apresentado pela ABC à sociedade brasileira em 2008