ABC performs an essential role in the international scenario since the end of the decade of the 90’s, when the global scientific community began working in a more active way in the monitoring of governments and multilateral organisms, with regards to establishing policies, programs and projects destined towards the solving of socioeconomic and environmental problems.
By establishing contacts among each other, the Science Academies around the world have become protagonists of international relations, by means of the creation of the InterAcademy Panel (IAP).
The set of initiatives described in this site proves the importance of the partnership of the Academy with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) and with the Ministry of Foreign Relations (MRE) with regards to the implementation of a Brazilian Foreign Policy related to ST&I. In 2006 a tripartite working group was created by the MCT, in a way that the actions of ABC in the international scenario became converted into the development of one unison policy of the three organizations.