The IAP-Science for Poverty Eradication Committee (IAP-SPEC) Conference on “Science-Based Solutions for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development: Science Academies working together to tackle SDGs 1 and 10”, was hosted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and took place in Beijing, on 9-10 December, 2017. The meeting was organized by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) in partnership with the Institutes of Science and Development, CAS (CASISD) and IAP-SPEC, and supported by the IAP-Research (IAP-R).
Created in 2013, this committee is chaired by ABC and aims to discuss strategies to engage the Science Academies of the entire planet in the efforts towards poverty eradication and sustainable development. This was the second IAP-SPEC Conference. The first one was held in Manaus, in 2014. Click here for more information on this meeting.
To provide a more clear focus to SPEC, BAS and CAS have agreed that the workshop should concentrate on how Science Academies can contribute to the implementation of SDGs 1 (No Poverty) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities) of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Under the theme “Science-Based Solutions for Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development: Science Academies Working together to Tackle SDGs,” the meeting joined together experts from Science Academies from the Americas, Africa, Asia and Europe to work out potential comprehensive solutions for poverty eradication and inequality reduction.
The whole meeting was arranged into five sessions of panel discussions, respectively focusing on five specific issues, namely: 1) Developing new programs and identifying best policies and strategies to end poverty; 2) Implementing social protection systems and measures covering the poor and the vulnerable; 3) Organizing and mobilizing society and resources towards the ending of poverty; 4) Fostering equal opportunities and developing programs to empower the poor; and 5) Improving scientific input to promote human development. The discussion of each session, lasting for 30 minutes, was informed by two 20-minute lectures given by experts from different countries and research areas.
The third IAP-SPEC Conference will take place in Rio de Janeiro, on 27-29 March, 2019. The goal of this meeting will be to assemble renowned experts to discuss, motivate and help mobilize the scientific community to contribute to the paramount effort of building a sustainable planet, with more equality, peace and prosperity.
Program Profile of the Participants IAP-SPEC Beijing Statement Abstract of the Presentations
December 9 –What science can do to end poverty in all its forms everywhere
Panel Discussion I: Developing new programs and identifying best policies and strategies to end poverty Wang Yi (CAS) - Pending Ratemo Michieka (Kenya National Academy of Sciences) - Download Panel Discussion II: Implementing social protection systems and measures covering the poor and the vulnerable Liu Yansui (CAS) - Pending Fernando Filgueira (Uruguay) - Download Panel Discussion III: Organizing and mobilizing society and resources towards the end of poverty Li Xiaoyun (CAU) - Pending Judith Teichman (Royal Society of Canada) - Download Key Lecture: Rights to development and poverty reduction: Can science be of any help? Yousuf Maudarbocus (Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology) - DownloadDecember 10 –What science can do to reduce inequality within and among countries
Panel Discussion IV: Foster equal opportunities and develop programs to empower the poor Wang Xiaoyi (CASS) - Pending Aishah Bidin (Academy of Sciences Malaysia) - Download Panel Discussion V: Improving Scientific Input to Promote Human Development Julian May (ASSAf - Standing Committee on Science for the Reduction of Poverty and Inequality) - Download Peter Fritz (Leopoldina Academy/ IAP-Research Project “Improving Scientific Input to Global Policymaking: Strategies for Attaining the Sustainable Development Goals”) - Download Key Lecture: Is it possible to reverse the increasing trends of poverty? How Science can help? Elisa Reis (Brazilian Academy of Sciences) - Download
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