George Fu Gao é PhD em medicina pela Universidade de Oxford, no Reino Unido.
A contribuição de Gao à ciência envolve as ciências básicas, relacionadas à medicina, e também a parte clínica, relativa à medicina preventiva e a saúde pública. A amplitude de suas contribuições se reflete nas suas publicações nas cinco melhores revistas científicas do mundo nessas áreas: Nature, Science, Cell, The Lancet e The New England Journal of Medicine. Suas pesquisas focam na imunologia e biologia de patógenos. Fez numerosas e importantes constribuições para pesquisas relacionadas, como a origem e mecanismos de transmissão interspécies dos vírus influenza de aves, mecanismos de entrada de vírus e reconhecimento molecular de células T.
Recebeu diversos prêmios: The Qiu Shi Outstanding Scientist and Outstanding Scientific Research Team Awards (2019); HKU Centennial Distinguished Chinese Scholar (2019); The Gamaleya Medal (Russia 2018); Shulan Medical Sciences Award (2016); Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commencement (2015); JP Wu-Paul Janssen (Medical and Pharmaceutical) Award (2015); HLHL Foundation for Scientific and Technological Advancement (2015); National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, P. R. China (2011 and 2014); Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014); Tan Jiazhen (C. C. Tan) Grand Achievement Prize (2014) and Life Science Innovation Award (2008); Nikkei Asia Prize (Japan 2014); Science and Technology Innovation Talent-CCTV Grand Ceremony for Science and Technology (2013) (Top 10 Scientists in 2013); SEBM Distinguished Scientist Award (Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, USA) (2013); TWAS (The Third World Academy of Sciences) Prize (Medical Sciences) (2012); Beijing Scientific and Technological Award (2011); Scientific and Technological Award-Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (2011, 2017); Scientific and Technological Award-Chinese Medical Association (2011); Thompson Reuters Research Front Award (2008); New century candidate of the national project “Hundred-Thousand-Talents” (China) (2006); National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) “Distinguished Young Investigator” (2005); Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) “Hundred-Talent Project” (2004); Young Scientist Award-China Association for Science and Technology (1988).