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NEWSLETTER 21Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences |
The present issue of the AABC presents 50 papers and covers a great variety of fields. Contrary to most issues, this one is dominated by Agrarian Sciences (21), followed by Biological (10) and Earth Sciences (6). However, contributions in Chemical, Biomedical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences are also found. Among the interesting papers in Agrarian Sciences published here, is a study on forage potential of native plant species that have shown great potential as pasture for cattle in southern Brazil. Another contribution of potential economic value discusses how sampling procedures are carried out to provide an idea of the economic value of tree species in the Amazon area. In Chemical Sciences, there is an interesting contribution on the cytotoxic activity of steroids and triterpenoids recovered from plants and may be important to future studies on substances that might help the treatment of cancer. In Earth Sciences, there are papers focusing on the Quadrilátero Ferrífero in Minas Gerais, ostracods and foraminifera from Paraíba, and a study on dinosaurs from the Bauru Group and the extinction of these creatures. Lastly, there are several important contributions regarding Biological Sciences, such as spider diversity in endagared areas, substances used in the traditional Brazilian medicine that might aid the fight against the Dengue virus, and the first attempt to calculate the biomass in belowground mangroves. I would also like to call your attention to the editorial, that focuses on problems caused by the Qualis system to multidisciplinary journals. Please keep in mind that since 2000, all papers published by the AABC can be downloaded free of charge at the SciELO site and previous editions of the Newsletter are available at the ABC website.
Alexander W. A. Kellner |
1 - A new model for describing remission times: the generalized beta-generated Lindley distribution
2 - Terpene Esters from Natural Products: Synthesis and Evaluation of Cytotoxic Activity
3 - Poly (methylene blue)-modified electrode for indirect electrochemical sensing of OH radicals and radical scavengers
4 - Physical and chemical study of lattice kaolinites and their interaction with orthophosphate
5 - Asymmetric bioreduction of β-ketoesters derivatives by Kluyveromyces marxianus: influence of molecular structure on the conversion and enantiomeric excess
6 - Comparative toxicity of essential oil and blends of selected terpenes of Ocotea species from Pernambuco, Brazil, against Tetranychus urticae Koch
7 - Analog Models of Flanking Structures and a natural example in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais
8 - Ostracoda and foraminifera from Paleocene (Olinda well), Paraíba Basin, Brazilian Northeast
9 - The last dinosaurs of Brazil: The Bauru Group and its implications for the end-Cretaceous mass extinction
10 - Assigning dates and identifying areas affected by fires in Portugal based on MODIS data
11 - Geo-environmental zoning using physiographic compartmentalization: a proposal for supporting sustainable decision-making
12 - Numerical Simulations to Assess ART and MART Performance for Ionospheric Tomography of Chapman Profiles
13 - Spider species richness and sampling effort at Cracraft´S Belém Area of Endemism
14 - Antidiarrheal activity of extracts from Maytenus gonoclada and inhibition Dengue virus by lupeol
15 - Clusia criuva Cambess. (Clusiaceae): anatomical characterization, chemical prospecting and antioxidant activity
16 - First Assessment of Carbon stock in the Belowground Biomass of Brazilian Mangroves
17 - Correlations of condition factor and gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic and lipo-somatic relations of Leptodactylus macrosternum (ANURA: Leptodactylidae) in the Brazilian Semi-arid
18 - Preparation and characterization of alginate and gelatin microcapsules containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus
19 - Influence of substrate on the richness and composition of Neotropical cave fauna
20 - The use of Proteinase K to access genitalia morphology, vouchering and DNA extraction in minute wasps
21 - First record of Scybalocanthon nigriceps (Harold, 1868) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil
22 - A new name for Agromyza flava Sousa & Couri (Diptera: Agromyzidae)
23 - Development and evaluation of an inhalation chamber for in vivo tests
24 - Is Forced Swimming Immobility a Good Endpoint for Modeling Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia? - Study of Sub-Anesthetic Ketamine Repeated Administration Effects
25 - Antifungal and antioxidant activity of fatty acid methyl esters from vegetable oils
26 - A possible relationship between gluconeogenesis and glycogen metabolism in rabbits during myocardial ischemia
27 - A scientific survey on 1550 cases of oral lesions diagnosed in a Brazilian referral center
28 - Oral insulin improves metabolic parameters in high fat diet fed rats
29 - Fatty acid profile in vertical strata of elephant grass subjected to intermittent stocking
30 - Evaluation of cell proliferation and endometrial thickness of bitches in different periods of diestrus
31 - Leaf area estimation of cassava from linear dimensions
32 - Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on King George Island in the Shetland archipelago of the South of Antarctica
33 - The quantification of testicular cells during the postnatal development in two Caviomorph rodents: the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) and the cutia (Dasyprocta agouti)
34 - Forage potential of native ecotypes of Paspalum notatum and P. guenoarum
35 - Carbon and nutrient stocks of three Fabaceae trees used for forest restoration and subjected to fertilization in Amazonia
36 - Assessment of cow and farm level risk factors associated with Ureaplasma diversum in pasture-based dairy systems - A field study
37 - Activity of Brazilian propolis against Aeromonas hydrophila and its effect on Nile tilapia growth, hematological and non-specitfic immune response under bacterial infection
38 - Selection of alfalfa genotypes for resistance to the foliar pathogen Curvularia geniculate
39 - Predicting of biomass in Brazilian tropical dry forest: a statistical evaluation of generic equations
40 - Sampling procedures for inventory of commercial volume tree species in Amazon Forest
41 - New seminal variety of Stevia rebaudiana: Obtaining fractions with high antioxidant potential of leaves
42 - Leaf area estimation from linear measurements in different ages of Crotalaria juncea plants
43 - Biological Activity of Piper aduncum extracts on Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) and Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
44 - Nutrition facts and limits for micronutrients in tree species used in urban forestry
45 - Modeling and mapping basal area of Pinus taeda L. plantation using airborne lidar data
46 - Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of essential oils from leaves and flowers of Eugenia klotzschiana Berg (Myrtaceae)
47 - Palisadegrass effects on N fertilizer dynamic in intercropping systems with corn
48 - Morphophysiological and biochemical alterations in Ricinus communis L. seeds submitted to cobalt60 gamma radiation
49 - Productive performance of Holstein calves finished in feedlot or pasture
50 - Hybrid Geoid Model
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Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences