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Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences |
On behalf of the Editorial Board of the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (AABC), I am very proud to introduce the last issue of this year! Despite the tremendous difficulties, the AABC was able to publish five issues (including one on Hot Topics in Biomedical Sciences with a total of 186 published articles (plus 5 editorials). This is, so far, the largest amount of publications ever published in a single year by the AABC! Alexander W. A. Kellner |
1 - Periodic solutions of Liebard differential equations via averaging theory of order twoAuthors: Jaume Llibre, Douglas D. Novaes and Marco A. TeixeiraIt is investigated the existence of periodic solutions for a class of Lienard differential equations. In general, to obtain analytically periodic solutions of differential systems is a very difficult problem. Here using the averaging theory of second order, this problem is reduced to find the zeros of a nonlinear system of two functions with two unknowns, providing then sufficient analytical conditions for the existence of periodic solutions. The conditions obtained are weaker than the previously one established in other works. Read here |
2 - What Expands in an Expanding Universe?Author: José A. de Freitas PachecoThe expansion of planetary systems or atoms in an expanding universe is a question still under debate. In the present paper, the effects of the expansion of space in bodies hold together either by gravitational or electromagnetic forces is revisited. It is shown that the acceleration of the expansion is the determinant factor affecting the size of planetary orbits and atoms. If the actual universe can be described by the so-called LCDM model, then all bond systems are expanding at a decreasing rate that tends to be zero as the expansion approaches a pure de Sitter phase. However, the estimated variation of sizes is quite small and can be neglected for practical purposes. Read here |
3 - A Comparative study: use of a Brain-computer Interface (BCI) device by people with cerebral palsy in interaction with computers Authors: Regina O. Heidrich, Emely Jensen, Francisco Rebelo and Tiago OliveiraThis article presents a comparative study among people with cerebral palsy and healthy controls, of various ages, using a Brain-computer Interface (BCI) device. This study aimed to develop an evaluation in order to perceive whether people with cerebral palsy could interact with the computer and compare whether their performance is similar to that of healthy controls when using the Brain-computer Interface. In the end, it was found that there are no significant differences between people with cerebral palsy in the two countries, Brazil and Portugal, as well as between populations without cerebral palsy (healthy controls). Read here |
4 - Coral-based climate records from tropical South Atlantic: 2009/2010 ENSO event in C and O isotopes from Porites corals (Rocas Atoll, Brazil) Authors: Natan S. Pereira, Alcídes N. Sial, Ruy K.P. Kikuchi, Valderez P. Ferreira, Clemens V. Ullmann, Robert Frei and Adriana M.C. CunhaIn this study, we report one of the first coral-based stable-isotope records from the Rocas Atoll (Equatorial South Atlantic), a key location for climate reconstruction. We investigated the potential of this atoll in recording climate oscillations, as the ENSO events, by isotopic profiles through two colonies of Porites sp. This research also discusses how skeletal architecture can influence the isotopic composition recorded by the coral, comparing isotopic signatures in different skeletal features of the two colonies, expanding upon some studies carried out in the Pacific Ocean. Read here |
5 - Geochemical behaviour of trace elements during fractional crystallization and crustal assimilation of the felsic alkaline magmas of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Authors: Akihisa Motoki, Susanna E. Sichel, Thais Vargas, Dean P. Melo and Kenji F. MotokiThe main point of this manuscript is related with geochemical behavior of trace elements of the Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic felsic alkaline rocks of Rio de Janeiro. The fractionation of the felsic alkaline magma increases Rb/K ratio and decreases K2O/(K2O+Na2O) ration. Diagrams analysis based on silica saturation index allow the distinction between magma fractionation trend and assimilation one. The pegmatitic liquid generated by country rock melting is SiO2-oversaturated and peraluminous with high Ba, Sr, Ba/Sr, Zr/TiO2, and SSI, with expressive fluids contribution. This model justifies the peraluminous and SiO2-oversaturated composition of the rocks with relevant effects of continental crust assimilation. Read here |
6 - India ink induces apoptosis in the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides (Deshayes, 1854). Optical and ultrastructural study Authors: Yuri B.M. Carvalho, Juan Jethro, Luis H. Poersch and Luis A. RomanoInterest in the immunity of bivalves has been increasing continuously over last decades due to the catastrophic mortality in aquaculture-produced species and due to the decline of natural stocks of economic value. The positive staining for apoptosis was observed in the digestive gland. Electronic microscopy revealed ultrastructural changes of endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptotic bodies in the digestive gland. The aim of this study, India ink proved to be a useful tool for experimental model for inflammation in mollusks. Lastly, note that India ink induced apoptosis and the association with endoplasmic reticulum stress. Read here |
7 - Investigation of local anesthetic and antimycobacterial activity of Ottonia martiana Miq. (Piperaceae) Authors: Miriam M. Cunico, Herbert A. Trebien, Fábio C. Galetti, Obdulio G. Miguel, Marilis D. Miguel, Celso G. Auer, Célia L. Silva and Olívia de SouzaNatural products derived from plants can be used for treatment of human diseases. A medicinal plant used in oral cavity diseases is Ottonia martiana Miquel. (Piperaceae), from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. A study was performed on toxicity, antimycobacterial and local anesthetic similar effects in ethanolic extract, hexane and dichloromethane fractions and piperovatine amide. High toxicity was detected in ethanolic extract, explaining its popular use by topical administration against toothache. Extract, fractions and amide showed antimycobacterial response, but piperovatine was more effective. Local anesthetic effect similar to lidocaine was verified in ethanolic extract and fractions. Read here |
8 - Physiological and biochemical changes during the loss of desiccation tolerance in germinating Adenanthera pavonina L. seeds Authors: Giuliana C.M. Soares, Denise C.F.S. Dias, José M.R. Faria and Eduardo E.L. BorgesWorking with recalcitrant seeds is a challenge, since they cannot withstand storage. In our study, we used germinating orthodox seeds of Adenanthera pavonina – an exotic species well adapted in Brazil – to study seed sensitivity to desiccation. Our findings indicate that heat-stable proteins may be related to the loss of desiccation tolerance in A. pavonina germinating seeds. Read here |
9 - Environmental factors related to the production of a complex set of spicules in a tropical freshwater sponge Authors: Marcela C. Matteuzzo, Cecília Volkmer-Ribeiro, Angélica F.D.C. Varajão, César A.C. Varajão, Anne Alexandre, Demetrio Luis Guadagnin and Ariana Cristina Santos AlmeidaMetania spinata is an extant sponge found in bog ponds from Tropical to Sub-tropical South America. The contribution of its silicious spicules to lentic quaternary sediments is a settled proxy data in paleointerpretations. Field monitoring of the production of its four categories of spicules in living specimens was conducted over one year with the help of artificial substrates The water level, its temperature and silicon (Si) concentration in the pond, showed as the main factors related to the sequential appearance of respectively, alfa megascleres, microscleres, gemmoscleres and beta megascleres, thus enhancing a better understanding of their contribution to the sponge cyclic structure and an increased value to their use as proxy data. Read here |
10 - Floristic units and their predictors unveiled in part of the Atlantic Forest hotspot: implications for conservation planning Authors: Felipe Zamborlini Saiter, Pedro V. Eisenlohr, Glauco Santos França, João Renato Stehmann, William Wayt Thomas and Ary Teixeira de Oliveira-FilhoWe analyzed tree species composition along both thermal and precipitation gradients in a region with high number of forest inventories and botanical collections – the Doce River basin – and recognized its geo-climatic subregions as distinct floristic units. Our findings provide important support for conservation planning in the Atlantic Forest, because even if the floristic knowledge is insufficient within this hotspot, consideration of geomorphology and climate at finer scales can lead to wiser decisions for the benefit of biodiversity. Read here |
11 - Olfaction in the fruit-eating bats Artibeus lituratus and Carolla perspicillata: an experimental analysis Authors: Lays C. Parolin, Sandra B. Mikich and Gledson V. BianconiStudies suggest that frugivorous bats search and select fruit mainly by olfaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in captivity, the behavioural response of two phyllostomid fruit bats (Artibeus lituratus and Carollia perspicillata) offered essential oils extracted from ripe fruit of Ficus insipida (Moraceae) and Piper hispidum (Piperaceae) as well as intact fruits of these species. Based on the number of foraging attempts both species exhibited a positive response to their favourite fruit genera. The results confirm the importance of smell in fruit choice by these species. Read here |
12 - Characterization of α-actin isoforms in white and red skeletal muscle types of Leporinus macrocephalus (Characiformes, Anostomidae) Authors: Fernanda A. Alves-Costa, Maeli D.P. Silva and Adriane P. WaskoThe purpose of the present study was the isolation, characterization and gender expression analysis of skeletal muscle actin genes of Leporinus macrocephalus. Two α-actin genes, referring to white and red muscle tissues, were isolated. Actin isoforms, that mainly differed by a Ser/Ala155 substitution, that lies inside one of the ATP-actin binding site and a Phe/Ile262 substitution, that leads to a hydrophobicity variation at the D-plug of the protein. Data on qRT-PCR evidenced a significant higher actin mRNA level in white muscle. White and red α-skeletal actins are genetically and functionally distinguishable in fish species. Read here |
13 - Population structure and allometry of Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae) in a protected area upstream Belo Monte dam in Xingu River, Brazil Authors: Priscila S. Miorando, Tommaso Giarrizzo and Juarez C.B. PezzutiThis article presents information on population structure (size frequency distribution, sex ratio and proportion of immatures) of the Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtle Podocnemis unifilis (tracajá), in the Iriri river within the Terra do Meio Ecological Station, a core protected area upstream the future reservoir of the Belo Monte dam. We also established the length-weight relationship, and equations to estimate straight carapace length through values of curved carapace length, plastron length, and head width. The regression equations allow estimates of turtles biomass in the middle Xingu basin through a single measure of live turtles or bony parts found postmortem. Read here |
14 - Floristic and structural patterns in South Brazilian coastal grasslands Authors: Luciana da Silva Menezes, Sandra Cristina Müller, Gerhard Ernst OverbeckGrasslands landscapes cover around 40% of world’s surface. Most grasslands are actually old growth ecosystems maintained by natural or human related disturbances. In South Brazil, the Pampa biome presents several formations of grasslands, among those, the coastal grasslands are recognized as one of the most fragmented and threatened formation. In this study, we present a broad scale description of coastal grassland vegetation in a 536 km gradient on southern Brazil. We call attention specifically to the differences between this formation and others grasslands of Pampa and Atlantic Forest biomes. Read here |
15 - The exotic wasp Megastigmus transvaalensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae): first record and damage on the Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolius drupes in São Paulo, Brazil Authors: Pedro José Ferreira-Filho, Fátima Conceição Marquez Piña-Rodrigues, José Mauro Santana da Silva, Julio C. Guerreiro, Thaís Carneiro Ghiotto, Ivonir Piotrowski, Luiz Philippe Dias, Carlos Frederico Wilcken and José Cola ZanuncioIn many countries, the Brazilian peppertree, Shinus terebinthifolius is an urban tree planted for restoration of degraded areas and the seeds are a gourmet condiment (pink peppercorn). The introduction in southern United States resulted in its spreading in natural areas becoming an invasive plant and the dissemination of an exotic wasp, Megastigmus transvaalensis. In São Paulo state, Brazil S. terebinthifolius is one of the most planted native species for restoration and the seed trade is free among states and biomes. Whereas São Paulo state is the hub of seed production, the presence of this exotic wasp of S. terebinthifolius may affect its seed production and of other native Anacardiaceae species, as well as promoting the spread of the wasp for other states and biomes. Read here |
16 – Soil-vegetation relationships on a banded ironstone ‘island’, Carajás Plateau, Brazilian Eastern Amazonia Authors: Jaquelina A. Nunes, Carlos E.G.R. Schaefer, Walnir G. Ferreira Júnior, Andreza V. Neri, Guilherme R. Correa and Neal J. EnrightStudy about vegetation and soil properties of an iron-rich canga (laterite) island on the largest outcrop of banded-iron formation in Serra de Carajás (eastern Amazonia, Brazil) and tests the hypothesis that soil chemical and physical attributes play a key role in structure and floristic composition of these plant communities. The four vegetation types shared few plant species, which was attributed to their distinctive soil environments and filtering of their constituent species by chemical, physical and hydrological constraints. Thus, edaphic (pedological) factors are crucial in explaining the types and distributions of campo rupestre vegetation associated with ferruginous ironstone uplands, eastern Amazonia. Read here |
17 - Ontogenic development of kidney, thymus and spleen and phenotypic expression of CD3 and CD4 receptors on the lymphocytes of cobia (Rachycentroncanadum) Authors: Marta C. Klosterhoff, Joaber Pereira Júnior, Ricardo V. Rodrigues, Emeline P. Gusmão, Luís A. Sampaio, Marcelo B. Tesser and Luis A. RomanoThe aim of this study was to evaluate the ontogeny of immune system of Rachycentron canadum through histology techniques and the expression of the CD3 and CD4 lymphoid receptors. In this study, it was possible to establish when the specific immune system became functional from, the presence of CD4 receptors in the thymus at 7 dah and in the kidney at 13 dah, which indicates the presence of immunological memory. The absence of CD3 and CD4 receptors in spleen lymphocytes is possibly caused by its predominant population of B lymphocytes and few T lymphocytes, which are insufficient for positive immunohistochemistry Read here |
18 - Lifespan and population dynamics of the endemic South American shrimp Artemesia longinaris (Crustacea: Penaeidae) in southeastern Brazil Authors: Antonio L. Castilho, Raphael C. Grabowski, Sabrina M. Simões, Ana Paula F. Santos, Rogério C. Costa and Adilson FransozoNon-selective fishery methods are a major resource for coastal fisherman with negative biodiversity impact. The decreases in the landings of profitable shrimp species have contributed to the incorporation of additional species into those fisheries, such as Artemesia longinaris, a monotypic endemic species of the South American coast. Virtually nothing is known about the growth, lifespan and reproductive dynamics of this species in southeastern Brazil, the goals of this study. Our results support the paradigm of latitudinal-trends in A. longinaris, with a continuous reproduction throughout the year, shorter lifespan (1.03-1.30 years), and faster growth (maturities 11-13mm) in subtropical-seas (Ubatuba, 23º S). Read here |
19 - Tropane alkaloids and calystegines as chemotoxonomic markers in the Solanaceae Authors: Aline G.S. Pigatto, Carolina C. Blanco, Lilian A. Mentz and Geraldo L.G. SoaresThis study assessed the occurrence and distribution of tropane alkaloids and calystegines in genera of the family Solanaceae to identify patterns of distribution and make evolutionary inferences. The calystegines were significantly more relevant than tropane alkaloids for characterization of distinct groups of genera. This corroborates the trend toward a chemical dichotomy and somewhat reinforces the correlation between geographic distribution and occurrence of secondary metabolites, as the presence of calystegines alone (without tropane alkaloids) was only reported in genera that have South America as their center of diversity. Read here |
20 - Feeding and reproductive patterns of Astyanax intermedius in a headwater stream of Atlantic Rainforest Authors: Ursulla P. Souza, Fabio C. Ferreira, Michele A.F. Carmo and Francisco M.S. BragaWe determined diet composition, reproductive periodicity and fecundity of Astyanax intermedius, a small-sized Neotropical fish inhabiting headwater streams of the Atlantic forest. Diet consisted of allochthonous and autochthonous items equally represented. Niche width increases with fish size, showing that more items are included in diet as fish grows. Our results suggested that A. intermedius fits as a typical opportunistic strategist, which may explain its occurrence in headwater basins of vegetated Atlantic forest streams where food resources are abundant and distributed throughout the year. Read here |
21 - Plant-hummingbird interactions and temporal nectar availability in a restinga from Brazil Authors: Lorena C.N. Fonseca, Jeferson Vizentin-Bugoni, André R. Rech and Maria Alice S. AlvesThis study investigated the features and availability of floral resources explored by hummingbirds in a restinga in Brazil. By monitoring nectar production in the plant community and its use by hummingbirds over more than one year, were show an unusual tropical setting in which almost all plant-hummingbirds interactions were performed by a single bird, Amazilia fimbriata. Findings reports a strong variation in food availability, which implies in highly changeable hummingbird's life areas over the year. These variations in nectar availability demand from hummingbirds abilities to cope with unpredictability in their food resources and has potentially important implication for plant reproduction. Read here |
22 - Occurrence and evolutionary inferences about Kranz anatomy in Cyperaceae (Poales) Authors: Shirley Martins, Marccus Alves and Vera L. ScatenaSearching infer the potential origin of the Kranz anatomy in Cyperaceae the results of this work showed that the four types of Kranz anatomy (associated with C4 photosynthesis) emerged numerous times in unrelated phylogenetic groups. Also, the same anatomical Kranz types can occur in different taxonomic groups, representing adaptive convergence. The diverse origin of Kranz anatomy in unrelated phylogenetic groups of Cyperaceae is probably resulted from different environmental pressures that promoted photorespiration. In groups where the emergence of the C4 photosynthesis is considered recent, as in Eleocharis and Rhynchospora, the greater variation of Kranz anatomy was observed. Read here |
23 - A structural perspective on the mechanisms of quorum sensing activation in bacteria Authors: Carolina Lixa, Amanda Mujo, Cristiane D. Anobom and Arderson S. PinheiroBacteria synchronize their population behavior in order to regulate gene expression through a mechanism called quorum sensing. This phenomenon involves the production, detection and response to extracellular signaling molecules named autoinducers. Quorum sensing may control a wide range of biological processes in bacteria, such as virulence factor production, biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance. In this review, we focused on the cytosolic quorum sensing receptors whose three-dimensional structures helped elucidate their mechanisms of action. Structural studies of quorum sensing receptors may enable the rational design of inhibitor molecules. Ultimately, this approach may represent an effective alternative to treat bacterial infections. Read here |
24 - Meniscal allograft transplantation in rabbit Authors: Liana M. Vilela, Ricardo J. Del Carlo, Edson V. Melo Filho, Lukiya S.C. Favarato, Tatiana S. Duarte, Kelly C.S. Fontes and Daise N.Q. CunhaThis study evaluated rabbits’ meniscal allograft transplantation preserved in glycerin 98%. Meniscal size, degree of fixation, vascularization, amounts of chondrocytes, fibrocytes, and types of fibroblasts are presented here. The main results are: Lengths of the OM varied from 0.9 to 1.0 cm. All TM (except one) were completely attached to the synovial membrane. TM and OM had similar amounts of chondrocytes, fibroblasts and fibrocytes. TM collagen fibers were well organized at the body, and disorganized at the horns. Collagen type I and III, and vascularization at the perimeniscal and at the edges were similar in OM and TM. Read here |
25 - Campomanesia adamatium (Cambess.) O. Berg seed desiccation: influence on vigor and nucleic acids Authors: Daiane M. Dresch, Tathiana E. Masetto and Silvana P.Q. ScalonThis research reports the effects of fast and slow drying on Campomanesia adamantium seeds. It can be concluded that C. adamantium seeds show a recalcitrant behavior due to their sensitivity to desiccation after fast and slow drying, which was reflected by the reduced physiological potential of the seed. The genomic DNA remained intact during drying. However, the absence of protection mechanisms, which resulted in seed viability loss, could be attributed to a loss of RNA integrity during desiccation in silica gel to 4.5% moisture content and drying under laboratory conditions to 5.4% moisture content of the seeds. Read here |
26 - Food consumption as an indicator of the conservation of natural resources in riparian communities of the Brazilian Amazon Authors: Victoria J. Isaac, Morgana C. Almeida, Tommaso Giarrizzo, Cláudia P. Deus, Rozeilza Vale, Gilmar Klein and Alpina BegossiIn many tropical communities, where there are few opportunities for the generation of income, the ability of inhabitants to obtain food from the natural environment is essential for guaranteeing food security. A study on the consumption of foods in communities of the Brazilian Amazon shows that the rate of fish consumption is one of the highest in the world. The dietary patterns are correlated to the isolation of the communities and to the better preservation of the environments. The study conclude that habitat degradation may have effects on the health of local populations and emphasizes the need of conservation policies. Read here |
27 - Spatial Distribution of Eggs of Alabama argillacea Hübner and Heliothis virescens Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Bt and non-Bt Cotton Authors: Tatiana R. Rodrigues, Marcos G. Fernandes, Paulo E. Degrande and Thiago A. MotaIn this article, we work with the spatial distribution of cotton leafworm and tobacco budworm eggs on Bt and non-Bt cotton fields. This knowledge is important because possible changes due to transgenic plant could alter decision -making methods. It was observed that for both species the horizontal spatial distribution pattern of egg mass was the same for both cultivars, or no influence of cultivating genetically modified in the special position arrangement of the two pests. Thus, the possibility of using sequential sampling plans for each species can be developed independently of the cultivar worked. Read here |
28 - Animal performance and carcass characteristics from confined lambs fed on concentrate feed and additives Authors: Tayrone F. Prado, Aldi F.S. França, Maria Lucia G. Meirinhos, Hugo J.M.C. Peron, Reginaldo N. Ferreira, Leonardo G. Oliveira and Daniel S. CorrêaWe evaluated the inclusion of Protected Methionine, Protected Lysine, Lysophospholipid and Amylolytic Enzyme in a diet to confined lambs and their effects on weight gain and carcass traits. The feedlot lasted 64 days and until the 28th day, no response was observed. Thereafter, the inclusion of Lysophospholipid, Amylolitic Enzyme and Methionine increased the daily gain. Lysophospholipid also increased daily feed intake rates; however, the inclusion of Amylolitic Enzyme promoted the best feed conversion. No changing in carcass traits was reported due to additives. Read here |
29 - A new index for assessing the value of importance of species - VIS Authors: Sylvio Péllico Netto, Maurício K. Amaral and Márcio CoraiolaIn the present paper we are presenting a new index to evaluate the Value of Importance Species – VIS. It combines the concept of hierarchical dominance of the species and the respective probability of their spatial occupation in the biocenosis. The index was tested with sampled data collected in a forest fragment of semideciduous Atlantic Forest in a climax stage and was compared to the traditional index proposed by Curtis and McIntosh (1950). The new index appropriately expressed the importance of species in the evaluated fragment. Read here |
30 - Gelatin in replacement of bovine heart in feed training of Lophiosilurus alexandri in different water salinities Authors: Ana Lucia Salaro, José C. Oliveira Junior, Frederico W. Lima, Renato B. Ferraz, Marcelo D. Pontes, Daniela A.V. Campelo, Jener A.S. Zuanon and Ronald K. LuzThe feed training of fish is an important period for the production of carnivorous species. The use of gelatin to replace the bovine heart increases the practicality in the feed training to carnivorous fish. Lophiosilurus alexandri juveniles can be feed-trained to accept commercial diets with gelatin as a replacement for bovine heart in freshwater or salinity (2 g of salt L-1) and this also indicates the possibility of using gelatin for other species of carnivorous fish. Read here |
31 - Phosphorus availability and microbial immobilization in a Nitisol with the application of mineral and organo-mineral fertilizers Authors: Francisco A. Morais and Luciano C. GatiboniThe use of organomineral fertilizers is increasing in Brazil. We made this research to answer the question if this fertilizer, which contains an organic fraction, stimulates the biological activity in the soil close to fertilizer granules, as occurs with organic fertilizers. After a greenhouse study our results showed that the organomineral fertilizer has similar behavior to industrialized fertilizers in stimulating biological activity and less effect than organic fertilizers. Read here |
32 - Nitrogen topdressing and application ways of fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen in weed control and agronomic performance of common bean Authors: Matheus G. Silva, Orivaldo Arf and Paulo E. TeodoroWe investigate the effect of interaction between nitrogen topdressing and different application ways active ingredients (a.i.) fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen on weed control and agronomic performance of common bean. We verified that nitrogen topdressing with 75 kg ha-1 provided better agronomic performance in common bean. In the absence of nitrogen topdressing in the application of urea before or together to fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen increased their effectiveness in controlling weeds without interference in the agronomic performance of common bean. The results will support future researches aimed at reducing the doses of these a.i. for weed control in common bean. Read here |
33 - Growth curve by Gompertz nonlinear regression model in female and males in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) Authors: Fernanda de Mello, Carlos A.L. Oliveira, Ricardo P. Ribeiro, Emiko K. Resende, Jayme A. Povh, Darci C. Fornari, Rogério V. Barreto, Concepta McManus and Danilo Streit JrWere analyzed growth curves of the males and females in the species Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui) to five economically important traits using Gompertz nonlinear regression model. There were differences on growth performance between males and females from ± 5 kg, observed through the different curves adjusted for height and body weight and head length. Females showed a highest body weight (± 280 grams) and highest daily growth (8.66 grams / day). However, there was no difference between males and females up to slaughter weight (± 2 kg). Indeed, males reached more quickly the slaughter weight than females, about 10 days less. Read here |
34 - Theoretical approach of the main means of appeals in the European procedural law Author: Oana M. PetrescuThe present article examines the relevant aspects of the means of appeal lodged before the European courts in Luxembourg, including the sui generis means of appeals and the extraordinary means of reviews of the judgments and orders, explaining the categories of the judgments / decisions / orders that can be appealed, the legal effects obtained and other technical aspects, giving also importance to the impact of the EU law on the national procedural rules, to the relationship between the national and the European courts, or to the effects of the European courts’ judgments upon the Member States’ legal systems. Read here |
35 - Dialogues between social and natural sciences: contribution to the debate on socio-environmental conflicts Author: Bruno MilanezThis article argues that attempting to solve real problems is a possible approach to bring social and natural sciences together, and suggests Environmental Impact Assessment as strong candidate for such a task. The argument is based on a general discussion about Environmental Impact Assessments, the social-environmental impacts of mining activities and three case studies. The analysis of the cases indicates possibilities and limitations of the dialogue between scientists from various areas – and of the collaboration with social movements and affected communities – in avoiding negative impacts of mining projects and, eventually, increasing their sustainability. Read here |
36 - Contributions to the Dart versus Arrow Debate: New Data from Holocene Projectile Points from Southeastern and Southern Brazil Authors: Mercedes Okumura and Astolfo G.M. AraujoLike in many other places in the world, projectile points made by stone were commonly used for hunting or warfare during prehistory in the southern Brazil. These points are associated to different propulsion systems: the bow (related to arrow points, which are small and light points) and the atlatl (related to dart points, larger and heavier than arrowheads). This pioneer work shows that at least one set of points, dated from approximately 10.000 years, presented a high proportion of specimens that could be used as arrows, indicating a potential strikingly early presence of arrow points in South America. Read here |
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Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences